Dear Colleagues,
As you know, anti-doping education is a major component of the fight against doping in sport.
While the ISSF continues to be committed to the implementation of its own education program, including Education Pool requirements, online materials, education booths and seminars, the regular publications of the IPOD (Information Portal On Doping) on the ISSF website and education program aimed at coaches and support personnel the ISSF is simply unable reach all shooters who participate in our sport world-wide. As a result, National-level and junior shooters are not benefiting from required and essential anti-doping education.
The ISSF Anti-Doping Rules and the International Standard for Education, to which you are bound, state that
the ISSF and each of its Member Federations shall, within their means and in cooperation with each other, other Code Signatories and WADA, plan, implement, evaluate and monitor educationprograms for doping-free sport at all levels in order to preserve the spirit of sport.
ISSF is therefore once again turning to each of its member federations in order to enlist your help in the fight against doping. You are all best placed to reach your national and regional level shooters of all ages by providing your respective nation’s shooting athletes educational materials in your own language and communicating the same with greater ease through various mediums.
ISSF further brings to your attention Article 18.8 of the ISSF Anti-Doping Rules, to which you are also bound which states that All National Federations shall be required to conduct anti-doping education in coordination with their National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADO).
Therefore, at this time, ISSF is requesting firstly, that you identify one individual within your member federation administration who will become the contact person responsible for anti-doping education (“Anti-Doping Education Officer”), then, we ask that that Anti-Doping Officer directly contact your respective NADO (or RADO) to open communication lines with regards to anti-doping education for your athletes.
In accordance with your obligations under Article 18.8 of the ISSF Anti-Doping Rules, we strongly encourage you to contact your NADO directly so that you can obtain educational materials in your own language. If you require assistance obtaining the contact information for your NADO, please contact us at and we will assist you.
ISSF also invites you all to encourage the Athletes and coaches from your federation to register for ADEL.
ADEL is an online anti-doping platform that offers interactive and informative education modules for everyone involved in sport. You should consider making completion of ADEL modules mandatory for each of your athletes and their coaches. As you will see — the Modules are available in various languages.
We take this opportunity to inform you that ADEL offers a Module specifically for athletes who will be competing in the Tokyo Summer Olympic Games.
All International Level Athletes from your country and national federation who have earned a Quota Place are strongly encouraged to complete this module – at least – before the Olympic Games.
In order for ISSF to monitor your athletes’ successful completion of modules it is important that ISSF is designated as the relevant federation/organization on the ADEL registration page.
We are hopeful that you will play an active role in the education of our athletes so that we may all promote health and values-based education and avoid inadvertent anti-doping rule violations from occurring.
ISSF thanks you for your cooperation to this undertaking and for your commitment to a drug-free shooting-sport.
If you need assistance with ADEL or with contacting your NADO, please contact and we will be happy to help.
Best regards
Janie Soublière
ISSF Legal Counsel in Anti-Doping
ISSF Headquarters
Widenmayerstr. 16
80538 Munich, Germany
ISSF registered at the district court Munich, registered association VR 10152
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Kazakhstan Sports Shooting Federation